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Residential Ceramic Tile and Grout Cleaning


Ceramic tile and grout can be very tedious to clean, usually mounting to scrubbing the grout on your hands and knees.  Anything from showers to flooring, save the hassle and give us a call.  Kleenit's certified technicians use a state-of-the-art high pressure proprietary hydro tool with dual jets to remove spills and grime deep within your grouts porous texture that regular moping and spot cleaning cannot extract, restoring your tiles look and cleanliness but more importantly eliminating the expense of replacement. 

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501 Ley Road

Fort Wayne, IN 46825

Tel: 260-484-0304

Toll Free: 1-888-KLEENIT (553-3648)



2024 KleenIt all rights reserved

5315 East 25th St

Indianapolis IN 46218

Tel: 317-842-9577

Toll Free: 1-800-KLEENIT (553-3648)




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